Lesson for 10-12 Grades
Seven Day Diet Plan
The purpose of this lesson is to raise the awareness about a healthy diet, because what eat today, will have an impact on our lives tomorrow, and also to integrate technology such as videos to create lesson plans for students.
1): Each student will go to the Health Promotion Center located in the PE building at second
floor at YC and have his or her Body Composition Profile done by a Health Education student
intern, who will weigh you and use body mass index machine to do the procedure on you and
give you a print out of your record. Remember everything has to be explained through
2): Read all parts of your record carefully: weight, body mass index, exercise and diet
recommendations. Visit MyPyramid.gov for more information
3): Plan a 7 days healthy diet, according to your recommended food caloric intake and
the kind of exercise you need to accomplish your goal.
4): At the completion of your assignment, have another Body Composition Profile for the
comparison between the two profiles, compare the two profiles, and record the results.
5): Present your video to the class.
1): The lesson plan will be developed by creating a storyboard, and using cameras, lights, and all
the props necessary for the assignment.
2): The class will be divided into 4 groups, and each group will have 4 students, who will work
together as producer, director, cameraman, and actor to create the video. Your instructor
will provide proper assistance.
3): Be creative. Shoot the video according to your storyboard and also for presentation.
1): Each group will be evaluated on how well it used the storyboard 20 points.
2): How well the students followed the directions: Managing time,
using the equipments, and acting ect. 20 points.
3): How well the final project is created: the graphics, colors, and sounds, ect. 30 points
4): Presentation to the class, and participation. 30 points
1): For completing the assignment creatively and successfully. Extra credit. 10 points
2): Have an in-class party. Your instructor will provide, foods, drinks, music and every thing else
necessary for the party.